Why we are opposing the scheme …
Transport for London want to build 351 flats in tower blocks of up to 14storeys on Cockfosters Station car park.
There will be no parking provided for new residents, which would leave neighbouring streets packed with overspill parking.
TfL’s plans would also mean the loss of a vitally important park-and-ride facility at the end of the Piccadilly Line. This will deter people from using public transport especially Blue Badge holders and those with accessibility requirements.
We are campaigning against these plans and would encourage you to oppose them as well.
We need your help to stop this massive development in Cockfosters!
Please get your objections in as soon as possible!
How to submit an objection to Enfield Council about the Cockfosters car park development:
You can send in your views in one of three ways:
By filling in the forms online at https://new.enfield.gov.uk/services/planning/the-planning-register/ using the reference 21/02517/FUL.
By emailing [email protected]. Please put the reference21/02517/FUL in the subject field and include your name and postal address in the text of the email.
By writing to Planning, PO Box 30, Civic Centre, Enfield EN1 3XA including the reference 21/02517/FUL as well as your name and postal address in your letter.
You may wish to refer to the following points on some of the strongest reasons in planning law why the development should be rejected:
- The height, bulk, massing and density of the buildings proposed are completely inappropriate for an outer suburb. The development would lead to a significant urbanisation of Cockfosters, seriously damaging the character of the area, contrary to longstanding and well-established Enfield planning rules.
- The four tower blocks would be massive: one is 14 storeys, two are 13, and one is 10 storeys. All four of them are much taller, even, than the existing Blackhorse Tower. Buildings on this scale are far too high for a neighbourhood of this kind, much of which is predominantly made up of one and two storey homes.
- Construction of 351 flats, as proposed, would involve a housing density over seven times the norm for an outer suburb.
- The site lies in Trent Park Conservation Area and is close to important heritage assets that would be irreparably harmed. That includes the Charles Holden designed 1930s station buildings.
- The development is right on the edge of the green belt and would dominate views from Trent Park and beyond. Trent Country Park is one of the last remaining elements of the historic Enfield Chase and these new tower blocks would loom over it. They would also have a visually intrusive impact on the view of the Cockfosters ridgeline, visible for miles around.
Please send your objections to Enfield Council TODAY! and also sign our petition below.